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Back to the Stadiums?

Back to the Stadiums?

The Coronavirus outbreak has taken over the world this year, with everyone in all sectors being somewhat affected. One area being particularly affected is sport and sporting events in particular. We all hear about the premier league being affected now that fans aren’t allowed in the stands supporting their favourite teams, but it’s the lower leagues that are taking the hardest hit. The primary concern is that wages that represent a huge proportion of turnover and clubs, rely heavily on match day income that is currently being denied to them and fixtures are being played behind closed doors.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson planned to reintroduce spectators to sports events from October 1st , however now has been pushed back following the recent news of the rise in numbers from the virus. This news initially was welcomed particularly after the Prime Minister has been criticized on the failure on the ‘track-and-trace’ system which has delayed fans getting back into the stands. Unfortunately it looks like we’ll be waiting another 6 months.

There is good news however, Premier League managers including Jurgen Klopp and Frank Lampard have called for footballs elite to unite to help lower league clubs through the financial impact. Stating that ‘the strong should look after the weak’. While the back bone of football has been struggling, only time will tell whether things will pick back up.
